Milk Tooth Extraction

Milk tooth extraction in Istanbul is often a necessary procedure to maintain oral health in children. Baby teeth, also known as deciduous teeth, start erupting around six months of age and begin shedding around six to eight years old, making way for permanent teeth. This process continues until approximately twelve years of age.

Milk tooth extraction is often a necessary procedure to maintain oral health in children. Baby teeth, also known as deciduous teeth, start erupting around six months of age and begin shedding around six to eight years old, making way for permanent teeth.

This process continues until approximately twelve years of age. While milk teeth are temporary, they play a crucial role in a child’s development, aiding in chewing, speech, and maintaining space for permanent teeth. However, in cases of severe decay, infection, or trauma, extraction may be necessary to prevent further complications and ensure proper oral health.

Milk Teeth in Children

In children, milk teeth generally begin to shed when the permanent teeth erupt from below and disconnect the connection between the milk teeth and the gums. In exceptional cases, the milk teeth may not shed, and the emerging permanent teeth may come out crooked and irregularly from different locations.

In some cases, decay may have progressed to the live part of the tooth, and inflammation may have spread to the roots of the tooth and the jawbone. In such cases, if it is a milk tooth and the emerging permanent tooth is very close, extraction can be performed. If the eruption time of the permanent tooth is not near, a space maintainer should be placed in the extracted tooth’s place.

How is the Extraction of Milk Teeth Performed?

The initial experiences children have at the dentist are crucial. Dental fear often stems from a bad experience that happened during childhood. It is more appropriate for the extraction of milk teeth to be performed after the child goes through a 1-2 session adaptation period. Anesthesia is necessary to ensure a painless extraction. Children especially fear needles and anesthesia.

The extraction of milk teeth in Istanbul is typically a straightforward procedure. After administering local anesthesia to numb the area, the dentist gently loosens the tooth with special instruments before carefully removing it. In some cases, where the tooth is severely decayed or fractured, the dentist may need to section it into smaller pieces for easier removal.

Potential Side Effects of Tooth Extraction in Children

Milk tooth extraction in Turkey, while generally safe, may occasionally lead to minor side effects. After the procedure, children might experience mild discomfort or swelling in the area of extraction, which usually subsides within a few days. Some bleeding from the extraction site is also normal, but excessive or prolonged bleeding should be reported to the dentist immediately. In rare cases, children may develop a low-grade fever following the extraction, which is typically a sign of the body’s natural healing process.

To minimize discomfort and ensure proper healing, dentists in Istanbul typically provide parents with post-operative care instructions, including guidelines for pain management, oral hygiene, and dietary restrictions. It is crucial to follow these instructions carefully to promote a smooth recovery and prevent any potential complications. In case of any concerns or unusual symptoms, parents should not hesitate to contact their dentist for guidance and support.

Precautions to Take After the Extraction of Milk Teeth in Children

After a milk tooth extraction in Istanbul, Turkey, it’s crucial to monitor the child for any signs of excessive bleeding or swelling. Applying a cold compress to the affected area can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Additionally, it’s important to encourage the child to drink plenty of fluids and eat soft foods for the first few days following the extraction.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is also essential, with gentle brushing and rinsing to prevent infection. In the unlikely event of persistent pain, fever, or any unusual symptoms, parents should consult their dentist in Istanbul promptly.

Extraction of milk teeth is a treatment that is completed in a short time. However, certain precautions should be taken right afterwards, the following additional precautions should also be taking in count:

  • Avoid touching the extraction site.
  • Do not create suction with the cheek or tongue in the tooth socket.
  • Do not feed the child until the numbness subsides.
  • Mild pain relievers or mouthwashes may be recommended during the extraction.
  • Avoid consuming very hot or cold foods on the day of the extraction.
  • Saliva accumulated in the mouth after tooth extraction should be swallowed and not spit out continuously.
  • The gauze placed in the mouth after the extraction should be removed after 20 minutes. Another piece of gauze should not be placed in the socket after this period.
  • Medications or mouthwashes prescribed by the dentist should be administered to the child as instructed.
  • Since local anesthesia is used during treatment, the child should be cautioned not to bite their lips or cheeks while numb.
  • If a tooth is extracted before the physiological shedding time, it is important not to miss the appointment given by your dentist for the placement of a space maintainer.

The most significant area loss in the jaw occurs in the 6 months following the extraction. Therefore, it is important to place a space maintainer immediately after the extraction.